Daiso Dietary Fiber|Affordable Dietary Fiber in Japan

🍍Dietary Fiber🍍

Dietary Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by our bodies' enzymes. It is found in edible plant foods such as cereals, fruits, vegetables, dried peas, nuts, lentils and grains. Fibre is grouped by its physical properties and is called soluble, insoluble or resistant starch. All three types of fibre have important roles to play.

Dietary fibre helps keep the gut healthy and is important in helping to reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, coronary heart disease and bowel cancer2. Fibre reaches the large bowel undigested where it is fermented by bacteria. The by-products of this fermentation are carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). The SCFAs are used by the body. Initially, increasing fibre intake can cause an increase in gas production which can result in bloating. However, depending on the type of fibre chosen, our bodies do adapt and gas production for most people should decrease over time. Soluble fibre and resistant starch also function as prebiotics and support the probiotics (bacteria) we have in our large bowel which are essential for digestive health.

🍎Soluble fibre is found in foods like fruit, oats, beans and barley. When it dissolves in water it forms a gel-like substance.

Soluble Fiber helps to:
🥕Support the growth of friendly bacteria needed to help maintain a healthy gut

🍍Reduce cholesterol absorption by binding to it in the gut

🍋Slow down the time it takes for food to pass through the stomach into the small intestine This helps slow down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream and has the benefits of keeping you feeling fuller for longer, helping to control blood sugar levels, which are important for the management of diabetes.

🍒Resistant Starch develops during the heating and then cooling of some foods such as potato and rice. Some grains and grain products have been developed for their high resistant starch levels and these include Hi-maize and BARLEYmaxTM. Foods high in resistant starch often have a low glycaemic index.
Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and is found in foods like wholemeal bread, wheat bran, vegetables and nuts.

🍉Insoluble fibre adds bulk to stools by absorbing water, and helps to keep you regular. It is important to increase your fluid intake as you increase fibre. Without fluid, the fibre stays hard, making it difficult to pass and causing constipation.

Benefits of Dietary Fiber:

✅Fiber Supplements have been shown to enhance weight loss.

✅Fiber may help to to slow your body’s breakdown of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugar ,helping with blood sugar control.

✅Fiber may help move yeast to and fungus out of your body ,preventing them from being excreted thtough your skin where they could trigger acne or rashes.

Nutritional Ingredients:
Dietary Fiber = 16200mg

Recommended Usage:
Take 1 tablet 3x a day before meal
(60 tablets Good for 20 days)

The Fact that is highly recommend by a respectable Japanese Ministry of Health prove that is Safe and Effective.

Guaranteed Affordable yet Safe, Natural and Effective

Enjoy Well Balanced Diet😊


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